Animal Rehabilitation and Cardiology (ARC)
2114 10th Ave S.
Birmingham, AL 35205
205.967.9134 PHONE | 205.776.8264 FAX
Call to make an appointment during regular business hours:
- Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m
- Friday 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Please note that we can see patients on a referral basis only. If you received an appointment, please go to the 1st time patient form page and fill out the form.
If questions need to be answered prior to your pet’s visit, there is a trained, professional staff who are able to answer most inquiries.
In case of an emergency, call your regular veterinarian immediately.
Evenings, weekends and holidays, please call one of the following emergency clinics:
- Emergency and Specialty Animal Medical Center (Acton Rd, Birmingham): 205-967-7389
- Alabama Veterinary Specialists (Bessemer): 205-481-1001
- Trussville Emergency Pet Care (Trussville): 205-661-2273
- Animal Emergency Clinic of North Alabama (Huntsville): 256-533-7600